Common Name:- Cottonweed
Synonym:- Otanthus maritimus, Diotis maritima
Meaning:- Achillea (Gr) After the Greek warrior Achilleios.
Cretica (L) From Crete, Cretan
General description:- Covered with short, dense, matted hairs, to a more or less
hairless dwarf shrub.
1) Up to 40(-60) cm, ascending, much-branched above.
Key features:-
1) Primary segments of cauline leaves mostly without a single, distally directed
tooth near the base.
2) Leaves with suborbicular lobes
Habitat:- Crevices and ledges of limestone cliffs, usually near the sea,
occasionally on rocky slopes with open dry shrubby vegetation, also on small
islets. 0-300(700) m.
Distribution:- Limited distribution in the Aegean region and local in SW Anatolia.
Somewhat limited distribution on Crete mainly around western coastal habitats.
Flowering time:- Apr-July.
Photos by:- Yannis Zacharakis and Manolis Petakakis